Killing zebra mussels on intake screens important topic at hydropower gathering

Jun 19, 2017

Killing zebra mussels to keep intake screens clear at hydropower facilities in the western U.S. will be a key topic at major upcoming conference.

DENVER –  The western U.S. is on the edge of a zebra mussel explosion. Since the late 1980s, zebra mussels have expanded rapidly from the Great Lakes to waterways throughout the Midwest. And they are still on the move. Hydropower facilities in their path are especially vulnerable to infestations, as large colonies can clog intake screens and constrict pipelines.

Killing zebra mussels will be a key topic at an upcoming gathering of hydropower professionals in Denver. The annual HydroVision International conference will feature a tour of the Federal Bureau of Reclamation’s Technical Service Center, which hosts a zebra and quagga mussel research program. The program monitors the spread of zebra mussels in the western U.S. and conducts research on controlling invasive mussels.

Zebra mussels have already found their way into Colorado waters, so public officials, scientists, and hydropower insiders are encouraging a proactive response. “Killing zebra mussels before they fully infest intake screens and become a costly nuisance should be a priority for hydropower operators in the western U.S.,” said David Carrington, Business Manager for Earth Science Laboratories Inc. In his role with the company he consults daily with hydropower operators experiencing zebra mussel infestations.

Earth Science Laboratories manufactures advanced water treatment products. Carrington will be on hand at the HydroVision International conference to discuss products such as EarthTec® QZ for the eradication and control of zebra mussels. He will also be available to discuss the newly launched Zebra Mussel Emergency Response Program.

More information on the upcoming HydroVision International conference can be found at

EarthTec QZ is EPA registered molluscicide for controlling zebra mussels. It is NSF Certified to Standard 60 as an additive to drinking water. Visit to learn more about the Zebra Mussel Emergency Response Program.