Water Treatment Plants
EarthTec QZ has the distinction of being EPA-registered for use against zebra and quagga mussels and NSF Certified to Standard 60 for use in drinking water. This makes it a natural solution for Water Treatment Plants combating mussel infestations.
Intakes and Pipelines
To treat flowing water such as a pipeline, EarthTec QZ can be applied at the intake structure using a conventional metering pump and dripping in a continuous dose. This will help keep downstream locations free from colonization by mussels.

Lakes and Reservoirs
EarthTec QZ will suppress and control quagga and zebra mussels from areas that they have already colonized. For reservoirs or small lakes where adult mussels have infested the bottom and shoreline, QZ can be spread at the surface or pumped down to the sites of worst infestation. Application does not require any specialized equipment because QZ disperses readily and rapidly throughout the treated areas to a uniform concentration.
Power Plants
Power plants use large volumes of water for cooling. Mussel veligers may be present in that water, leading to infestation. EarthTec QZ controls veligers and adult mussels so that cooling systems can operate at maximum efficiency. To treat flowing water such as a pipeline, EarthTec QZ can be applied at the intake structure using a conventional metering pump and dripping in a continuous dose. This will help keep downstream locations free from colonization by mussels.

Irrigation Systems and Golf Courses
EarthTec QZ prevents and eliminates quagga and zebra mussels in golf course water features and all manner of irrigation systems, including drip irrigation and their emitters.
Aqueducts and Canals
EarthTec QZ prevents the spread of mussels in water conveyed by open aqueducts, canals and pipelines. Since the volumes of water tend to be very large, a pulsed dose of EarthTec QZ is one strategy for reducing other chemicals and added expenses.